Winning The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT Marketing Framework)

Marketers have been using three step mental model of marketing for a long time. The Traditional model comprises of three steps… Stimulus–  when consumer becomes aware about a product through TV ad. Shop – When consumer encounters a product in store and makes the purchase. This is the First Moment of Truth. Experience – When […]

Winning the zero moment of truth- Zmot marketing strategy (Infographic)

Marketing today has become a great challenge owing to the constantly changing technology and digital media landscape. Every marketer comes face to face with various challenges – even though, they generally share similar goals. Most marketers are stuck on lead generation; while others find it troublesome converting leads into customers. A look at the top […]

ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH – Shoppers’ New Path to Purchase

In 2006 , A G Lafely, ex Ceo of P& G introduced  numeracy to the moments of truth that a marketer has to face. His forward count went till two: First Moment of Truth (FMOT) is, according to him, when the consumer buys the product and the Second Moment (SMOT) arrives when he experiences it. […]