Till now digital marketers have been targeting individual keywords in order to get good rank in the eyes of Google. However, Google’s Penguin update and Knowledge Graph have led to a new revolution in the world of search marketing. There has been a change in the way the keywords are now being targeted.
Pay for performance SEO services professionals have long been focusing on one keyword at a time. And accordingly, pages were being optimized for that single keyword by stuffing content with that keyword, putting it in the headline, etc. This strategy worked for quite some time and then eventually reached a saturation point. With Google’s algorithm update hitting search marketing, there is a change in the way now Google or any other search engine presents information to it’s’ users. Want to know how? Well, check the list of three key points which search engines take into consideration for providing search results to the users:
First, instead of focusing on a single word in the search query entered by its users, search engines try and comprehend the whole query in order to better understand the intent of user. While earlier, results were displayed on the basis of matched keyword in the user’s search query, now the focus has shifted to the specific need of the user. For example, if someone is searching for ‘bets hotels near my place’, then Google is most likely to take into account the location of the user and present results accordingly.
Second is the content, search engines go through your content to understand what your content is all about and how it can help users.
And the third point is, search engines relate different content to each other to present closely related information.
Some of the mistakes which SEO professionals must avoid are:
Ranking one keyword at a time.
Keywords which do not convert.
Too much broad keywords.
Keywords without traffic.
Keywords with competition.
The basic idea is to give emphasis on the information presented in the content instead of keywords. It is only when Google is able to understand the logic behind your content, it can rank your content higher.