Mobile marketing, alike e-marketing today, is on its way to becoming the most significant and most powerful marketing tool being available in the hands of the business owners and marketing experts. Particularly, the travel and tourism companies stand to gain the most since mobile marketing is a marketing strategy where the clients are tapped while they are on the move. They can make it possible by effectively using this mobile marketing medium to advertise themselves.
Considering that the mobile phone market has surged almost 24-25% annually, for the past eight years, you can expect about 308.7 million mobile phone users in the US alone by 2013. Thus, you just cannot deny the massive impact that mobile marketing shall have on the travel industry.

Truly, a Game Changer, but how? Take a look:

The ability of the mobile internet to provide you with immediate anywhere, anytime internet access and instant information as well as transaction capacities, makes it perfect for travel enthusiasts who are always on the move. A recent report by PhoCusWright, avers that by 2010, mobile bookings reached a mind boggling $160 million.
A poll by Harris Interactive has found out that about 43% of the buyers are willing to book hotel rooms through the mobile booking services – this number is surely expected to increase with time.
Of late, a number of leading travel suppliers along with hoteliers have become aware of the growing marketing opportunity that mobile advertising promises them. Moreover, as the hotel guests and travelers are more and more becoming mobile-savvy, all hoteliers have started introducing mobile Internet services like a mobile version of their websites, mobile apps, m-CRM, travel-related interactive games, and much more.
The hospitality and travel industry are also unleashing the mobile advertising to build permission-based databases. The maintained databases are then used to deliver special deals and coupons to consumers. All this results in a higher rate of repeat and referral sales.More and more travelers today are using their web-enabled handsets to interact with the hospitality industry. Today, travel companies have the opportunity to make use of the comprehensive information on travelers to aim them more precisely. Simultaneously, consumers are also becoming more demanding – they expect to receive various real time services anywhere, anytime.Media Mosaic
Thus, travel companies can leverage a properly chalked out and implemented mobile marketing strategy specially during the holidays to augment travel bookings and sales, abridge travel planning and reservations, compel consumers to participate in loyalty programs and acquire new customers.