Why Infographics Work ?
With an inclination toward exploiting the internet to express information to millions of people worldwide, it has emerged as a challenge how effectively you can communicate to people with your contents. For effectively conveying your message to the consumers it is integral to make your content eye-catching and easy to understand – which can turn […]
ZERO MOMENT OF TRUTH – Shoppers’ New Path to Purchase
In 2006 , A G Lafely, ex Ceo of P& G introduced numeracy to the moments of truth that a marketer has to face. His forward count went till two: First Moment of Truth (FMOT) is, according to him, when the consumer buys the product and the Second Moment (SMOT) arrives when he experiences it. […]
Travel ZMOT Journey of Consumers
In order to reach a final purchase decision, a consumer goes through different phases of a Travel ZMOT journey. During this journey, he visits multiple ZMOT Touch points. Thus, we bring before you this journey of a travel shopper with the help of numbers. Take a look at this Infographic for more information:
TripAdvisor – A Marketer’s Resource
TripAdvisor is one of the most popular travel review websites. Travel shoppers look for various information about attractions or hotels on TripAdvisor like pictures, reviews, ranking, etc. It’s time for travel marketers to leverage this platform using few tips. Take a look at this INFOGRAPHIC to learn how to market on TripAdvisor… Did you enjoy this content? […]
Travel Brands And Their Social Media Journey
Media-Mosaic presents “Travel Brands And Their Social Media Journey” of (Airliners, Hospitality, Cars and Cruise). This Info graphics presentsocial media details of travel brands from hotels, airlines, car and cruises industry. We have compiled their journey on various platforms and their social media journey on Facebook , Twitter, Tripadvisor, Youtube and Linkedin. Author: Jay Scott […]
Media Mosaic releases “A Traveler’s Resource for Tripadvisor” Infographic.
Tripadvisor is a large resource base and learning to use it well can save travelers wasted money and in some cases, heartburn. Tripadvisor- A travelers resource, gives travelers across the world, an insight into world’s largest travel community website www.Tripadvisor.com and showcases its various features that can be leveraged optimally for trip planning. Any traveler […]